Red Hawk Statue

Alumni Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice For The Division Of Development And Montclair State University Foundation

The Montclair State University Foundation, Inc. (“基金会”)和十大博彩推荐排名州立大学(“大学”)发展部门(“部门”)在其100多年的历史中以各种方式为大学服务. The primary mission of the Division is to manage marketing, communications, fundraising and outreach to its constituents which includes alumni, donors and others (collectively its “constituents”). 该基金会作为一个独立的法律实体运作,其主要任务是筹款以支持大学及其学生.

The Foundation and Division understand that collecting, storing and tracking personal information is a sensitive topic, and are committed to safeguarding its privacy. 本私隐声明涉及有关个人资料收集的事宜,并提供资料收集的内容及用途. Please contact Jeanette Hanlein, Executive Director of Advancement Services at or 973-655-7066, with any questions or concerns regarding this policy.

Why Is Personal Information Collected?

基金会和分部努力在其项目和服务中提供有意义的价值,以建立与校友/学生建立的关系. Building this relationship is key to the continued success of the University’s students and alumni, by acquiring and maintaining information about constituents, 定期与选民进行专业沟通,传达有意义的信息,吸引选民参与项目, by offering services which add value to their lives, and by fundraising in support of the University.

What Information Is Collected?

个人信息是识别您个人身份或识别您身份的信息.  This may include your name, address, telephone number, email address, and profession or occupation.

The University and Foundation collects, 导出和使用个人信息来管理您的关系,并通过个性化您的体验和互动来更好地为您服务.  The University and Foundation may collect your personal information through your use of websites, web-based application, or when you complete an online form. 个人信息不包括汇总信息或非个人身份信息.

Who Has Access to Collected Information?

For alumni, donors and constituents, we may disclose information to select third party relationships as follows:

Consent. We may disclose information to third parties if we have your consent to do so.

Required by Law. We will share your information with third parties to the extent we are required to do so by law, court order, or subpoena.

De-Identified and Aggregate Information. 我们不受限制地以去识别或汇总的形式使用和披露有关我们的捐助者和选民的信息.

University Affiliated Programs and Service Providers. 我们可能会与大学附属的第三方共享信息,以便就商品与您联系, services, charitable giving or experiences that may be of interest to you. 我们也可以使用与大学签订合同的第三方来支持基金会和部门的运作和政策的管理. In such cases, 我们与此类第三方共享您的信息,条件是他们只能将您的信息用于共享的目的, they keep it confidential, and they safeguard it from unauthorized disclosure.

Public Information.  如果您明确将十大博彩推荐排名,则信息可能未经您的同意而与第三方共享.

对于居住在欧盟的选民-我们遵守欧盟一般数据保护条例(EU- gdpr)

The GDPR provides additional protections to personal data created in or sent from the European Union. Montclair State University has constituents, including alumni, from all over the world, and the Foundation and Division may process personal data from the EU for marketing purposes. 《十大博彩推荐排名》规定,处理个人数据的同意必须以一种易于理解和获取的形式自由给出, using clear and plain language. If you are an EU citizen, wishing to provide or withdraw consent to the University to process your personal information, please visit the GDPR Consent form ( More information is available on our website.

Please contact Jeanette Hanlein, Executive Director of Advancement Services at or 973-655-7066 with any questions or concerns regarding GDPR.

Requests to amend or destroy your personal information must be submitted to:  鉴于敏感程度,销毁方式应适合于保存和确保您信息的机密性, value and criticality to the University and/or the Foundation.

How Your Information Is Stored and Secured

基金会和分部使用管理技术和物理安全措施来保护个人信息, taking into account the nature, scope, 处理的背景和目的,以及对您的权利和自由造成的不同可能性和严重程度的风险.

Retention of Your Information

您的信息将由advance按照新泽西州通过的记录保留时间表中适用的保留期限进行保留, Department of the Treasury, 税务及企业服务部-适用于四年制大专院校的档案管理服务, 并根据基金会根据美国法律的要求制定的记录和保留政策.S. Internal Revenue Service.

Online Payments

Some features of the University web-site, which includes the presence of the Foundation, enable credit card transactions, and the submission of personal information which is completely voluntary. Those features may include the purchasing of tickets through event registration or for donations. 我们会收集阁下的银行及信用卡资料,以供阁下代表大学向本会捐款之用.   Reputable third-party merchant processors, 金融机构和软件供应商根据与大学或基金会的书面协议处理我们的信用卡交易,这些协议要求他们对这些记录保密.


您不负责未经授权的交易张贴到您的信用卡,发生的结果提交信用卡号码到本网站. Our web-site uses industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) servers on our transaction pages. It encrypts all of your personal information including name, address, and credit card number to prevent unauthorized access as the information travels over the Internet.

The web-site is made available world-wide. 与本网站有关的所有事项均受美国新泽西州法律管辖. Any information you provide will be transferred to the United States. By visiting the web-site and submitting information you authorize this transfer.

The site contains links to third-party web-sites. 我们对我们自己网站的隐私保护措施全权负责,而不是对链接网站的隐私保护措施负责. 我们强烈建议您了解这些其他网站的隐私声明,并在通过这些第三方网站提交您的个人资料之前阅读它们的隐私声明.


你必须有一个安全的浏览器——一个支持通过互联网安全传输数据的浏览器——才能向基金会捐款或接受来自大学或基金会的付款. For more information about your browser’s security features, use your browser’s help feature.

当您将您的信息传输给我们以及我们将其存储在我们的信息技术系统中时,我们将实施适当的技术和组织安全措施来保护您的信息. Unfortunately, no data transmission or storage can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. When you send us credit card information over the Internet, we use industry standard SSL (secure socket layer) encryption. 您的密码是受保护的,因此只有您可以访问它并查看您通过在线申请人网站提供给我们的信息.  We strongly advise you not to share your password with anyone.


The University’s use of cookies can be found in the Privacy Notice for the Website.

Last Revised 5/11/18